Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. If you are not happy with your purchase, you can return your items within 14 days of delivery.

  • To initiate returns please submit your return request within 14 days of delivery by filling our contact form.
  • If a product is defective, it can be exchanged for a new product at no additional charge by submitting an exchange request via contact form.
  • We try our best to deliver products in the right conditions by multiple quality control checks. In a very rare case, a defect may pass unnoticed. In such a case, please submit an exchange request via contact form.
  • We are not responsible for any damages caused to the packaging during transit but if you notice any damage to the product, submit an exchange request via contact form immediately within 2 days of receiving the package for possible resolution.
  • All SALE items are nonrefundable/nonexchangeable.
  • All Customised products are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • Customers are responsible for all the shipping costs for return items.
  • If you would like to swap your purchase for a different item, please submit an exchange request via contact form within 14 days of your purchase and we’ll gladly ship the new item for you.
  • We’d request you to return your items in original condition and in original Jawahir Gallery packaging.
  • Please allow 10-15 days to process the return.
  • Every returned product goes through a review cycle. Hence, refund/exchange is subject to review by our customer success team.

If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with us any time of the day. We respond to every email we receive within 48 hours. We are available at [email protected]

Notes: Some of our products may contain natural embellishments and are handcrafted. These may cause irregularities and will not be considered as a defect.

We made every effort to display the product color as accurately as possible. However, the resolution and color composition of each computer monitor varies, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the colors of products displayed on our website.